How To Prevent Moles

How To Prevent Moles

How to prevent moles from invading your lawn and landscape starts with an understanding that it’s usually all about food.  Thus, this article will focus on the prevention process, as related to the management and reduction of the food supply versus eradication techniques like mole trapping.  While reducing the food supply may keep moles out of your yard, it’s just a technique that may work to varying degrees given your specific location and situation.

So, we’ve learned that ‘how to prevent moles from invading your lawn and landscape’ often starts with understanding that it’s all about food.  With that said, moles do not respect property boundaries.  They tend to be a neighborhood problem and when left unchecked, they will breed, multiply, and push out from their points of origin.  The more moles in a given area, the less effective any measures to control the food supply will be.  Prevention and eradication techniques are not mutually exclusive and usually go hand in hand.

If you have a resident mole population, it’s almost always best to remove that population before attempting any preventative measures.  While it’s easier said than done, always encourage neighborhood participation.  In some cases, you can completely eradicate lawn moles, but for many, it’s a control and prevention process.  When you contact Metro Mole Control, you will find that we offer effective eradication services.  We will also help you evaluate your specific property and outline preventative techniques for those nuisance moles and other common yard pests!

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